Friday, May 29, 2009

Raindrops keep fallin´ on my head...

Sorry it´s been awhile!

First of all, Belize was wonderful! It was great to eat fish and speak English. It was also wonderful to see my parents, even though they did get rather sick (sorry guys!)

Work has been great, CEIPA has brought such joy to my life. I have a set schedule now. Mondays I cover the youngest grade while the teacher has class at the university. I´m sort of a permanent substitute. The first few weeks were kind of crazy, kids climbing the pipes and setting frogs loose in the room. Now that rainy season is in full swing only about half the students come on any given day. It´s a problem for sure, but it does make teaching easier. Last Monday only two students came, so I got to give them both a lot of attention, but it´s sad that the rain keeps the other students from getting to school.
On Tuesdays and Wednesday I work with the three students who don´t know how to read. One of them is nine years old and the other two don´t know how old they are. It´s slow slow slow but we are making progress. I love them, I can see that they have more confidence when they talk to other students. It´s very fulfilling work. I also teach English classes to the older grades and at the end of the day I´m available to give special attention to any of the students. This usually involves multiplication tables. I also realized the other day that I dont remember how to do long division, that was embarassing! The students have certainly overcome their shyness towards me and I get a pretty good balance of hugs and foul language. It´s hard work, but I love it. I could see myself doing this kind of work permanently.

My community life is also amazing. I really feel like a big sister in my family. My teenage brothers are always picking on me, but I know they love me! The other day I came home from work soaked to the bone and my bother Mario said "Luisa, hurry and change clothes before you get sick!" He loves me! My youngest brother Ismael is obsessed with Mario brothers, so I bought him a little Mario key chain that I found. He never puts it down, he carries it with him everywhere, he even SLEEPS with it! A key chain. He´s so cute.
I was on the commitee from planning this month´s big youth event, it´s tonight! It should be a good time for fellowship, praise, and reflection.

Also this month I was reunited with my other half- Asia visited! I showed her my favorite places (to eat) in Guatemala. It was a really encouraging time and we had a lot of fun. I also went to Semuc Champey and Tikal with a fellow volunteer-- both amazing places. Semuc Champey is absolutely the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I even went caving! And Tikal, of course, was unreal. When I finally came home from the grand tour of Guatemala my host mom had prepared my favorite food, chuchitos, to welcome me back!

And now for the top and bottom 5 things about Guatemala:
Bottom 5: 1. The rainy season is making life rather soggy.
2. I´m so over eggs. We eat them so often that the thought of them makes me rather ill.
3. Speaking of ill: I´m sick of being sick! I get sick ALL THE TIME!
4. Swine flu scare. I spent precious stipend money on masks and a flu shot
5. I really wish I could speak Mam. Or at least Spanish.

Top 5: 1. Mango season!
2. Mam lesson´s with the family
3. Semuc Champey
4. The pastries Sara (my host sister) brings back from her cooking class.
5. Teaching Giants, Wizards, and Elves at youth events. Or just youth events in general.

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